The Troop is planning to visit the Melbourne Observatory in the Royal Botanic Gardens. The tour includes observing the night sky, so it is a later event than usual. For that reason, we have scheduled the activity on the night before the Cup Day holiday.
So that we can secure the group booking, Scouts need to book before Sun 20th Oct 2019.
Register Here on TryBooking
We plan to arrange the City of Melbourne bus or you can make individual arrangements for transport to and from the observatory. We will meet at the hall until 8:15pm and to arrange car sharing.
This activity can contribute towards earning the Astronomer badge. The requirements are listed below. It will meet the requirement for an activity in Part C. You will also need to complete one task from each of A and B as well as showing you have an interest in, have practiced and have improved proficiency in Astronomy.
1. Find out about two main stars and one constellation of your choice.
2. Find out how to navigate by the stars.
3. Find out how to tell time by the stars.
4. Know the principal observatories, both optical and radio in the world.
1. Make a simple astronomical model to illustrate some features of the solar system.
2. Be able to set up a telescope and know the precautions when using it.
3. Know the location in the night sky of two constellations.
1. Organise an activity where the stars and constellations you have researched are observed.
2. Identify and report on a natural solar system or universe event, e.g. visit by a comet.
3. Visit and report on a visit to an observatory.
The Group is subsidising the cost with money raised through the fundraising efforts of your committee.
When is it?
9:00 PM to 10:30 PM, Monday, 4 November 2019
Where is it?
Melbourne Observatory, Royal Botanic Gardens
31 Birdwood Avenue
South Yarra
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