Cubs will continue online for term 3

It’s week 1 of Term 3 virtual Cubbing. We’d hoped we’d be back doing in-person Cubbing by now but unfortunately that’s not possible as yet. We’ll be doing Cubs virtually for the next few weeks once again.

We had a very successful Pack Council on Tuesday 14 July and got some more great ideas of activities the Cubs want to do from home this term. So get ready for more fabulous fancy dress, bold building projects and crazy cooking!

If your Cub has any ideas on activities they would like to do this term please get in touch by emailing the leaders at

Cubs online starts Tue 14/4/20

Email sent to parents on Friday 10 April 2020:

Following on from the Pack Council last Tuesday we will be re-starting Cubs (virtually) this coming Tuesday 14 April following the Easter break. For the rest of the term while social distancing measures remain in place we will be meeting via Zoom, a platform most of you will be familiar with.

We will be running our entire program virtually including investitures, badge presentations, and other elements of Cub Scouts we normally run in the hall. Once back in the hall extra special presentations we will be doing again in person.

Please also note that the parent helper roster will be active again this term as we will need two adults (one leader and one parent) in each of the 2 breakout rooms we’ll be splitting into at times during the meeting. There will be 2 families rostered each Tuesday night. If your family is unable to assist on your rostered night please swap with another family. When you are a parent helper you can either join us on the same device as your Cub or a different device, whichever works best for your family. You are also more than welcome to join us even when not rostered.

See full details of parent rosters, term plan and link to Zoom meeting on Cub Pack Programme Page.

6th Melbourne Cub Scouts COVID-19 update

Email sent to all parents on Sunday 22 March 2020: As you know, the COVID-19 pandemic has unfortunately progressed over the last few days as predicted and cases have now been reported all over Melbourne, including at schools attended by some of our youth members. In line with the current suppression strategy being pursued by the Government it is important we engage in social distancing as much as we are able. Further to the e-mail you would have just received from Stewart, this unfortunately includes an early end to the Scouting term. There will be no weekly Tuesday meeting this week the 24th of March.
We will be monitoring the situation closely over the coming weeks and be in touch with more information as it becomes available, in particular when and how Cubs will re-start after the holidays. In the next few weeks to months our community will move from a suppression to a mitigation strategy at which point the restrictions on gatherings will be quite different to what they are now. What this looks like depends entirely upon how the local epidemic progresses. This is all to say that the Scouting program will look quite different for the rest of the year but at the moment it is hard to know just what that will entail. It is very likely that both our planned upcoming Pack Holiday and Cuboree will look quite different to how we have been planning. There will also very likely be changes to how, when, and the size of Group and Branch fees that are invoiced and collected this year.
Of course, Scouts is all about being prepared and adapting to change. We will be looking at ways we can deliver parts of the Scouting program virtually. As a starting point we encourage you to visit where Bear Grylls and Scouts UK have put together 100 indoor and garden-based activities that align with parts of the Scout Method and program. For your Cubs’ leisure times there is also a Scout-administered Minecraft server (at where they can plan the the creative version of the game, which I’m assured is the non-violent version, with other Scouts from around the world.
Finally, we care deeply about you and your Cubs. Please look after yourselves, keep abreast of latest Government and medical advice on preventing COVID-19 and limiting its spread, and make the most of this unprecedented situation we find ourselves in. If you have any questions or concerns relating to Scouts, COVID-19, or in general, please get in touch with us and if we don’t know the answer we’ll help you to find it.

Yours in Scouting,

6th Melbourne Cub Scout Leaders
Rahul Barmanray (Akela), Kerry Morrow (Kaa), Jon Baker (Ikki)