GACO Troop Camp – Noonameena

A great weekend was had by ten of our Scouts at Noonameena Scout camp in Lauriston. This is a fantastic camp site with a permanent shelter and cooking facilities, though we used the dutch ovens on a campfire on Saturday night to cook a roast beef and veges. The river running through the property allowed us to fish, though unsuccessfully and encouraged two of the bravest to swim in the chilly water on Sunday afternoon while many others had accidental swims while crossing on makeshift bridges. On our hike to the Lauriston Dam we encountered a Shingleback lizard, wallaby remains and a fresh wombat hole. At the dam we spent time in the sun eating lunch, skimming rocks and playing at the waters edge. Monash Venturer unit were camping here also and organised a wide game for us and enlightened us in how to play the card game spoons.DSC04254   DSC04258    DSC04265 DSC04278DSC04319  DSC04303   DSC04291 DSC04285   DSC04322 DSC04326DSC04329   DSC04359 DSC04344   DSC04332DSC04347